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Innovative glass products and new dimensions in glass finishing enable individual, previously unimagined possibilities both in facade design and in interior design.

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Sparkasse Allgäu, Kempten (GER)

Create an open work environment even with separated office and conference rooms – Auer Weber architects and artist Brigitte Waldach faced up to this Task in regards to the new construction of the Sparkasse Allgäu. Thereby on four floors an art-on-the-building-project emerged where partitions made of glass are being embellished with landscape motifs and poem quotes. Those were applied onto the glass by digital printing and partially completed with paint and enameling in order to enhance the effect. Because of the staggered Arrangement of the repetetive motifs, a depth is being accomplished that creates open areas of communication and ideas. With the motifs trees, lawn and clouds, the office optimally blends into the adjoining city park.

Object Name: Sparkasse Allgäu
Object Type:
  • administration building
  • commercial buildings
Construction Type:
  • new building
Construction Time: 2015 - 2017
Client: Sparkasse Allgäu
Architect: Auer Weber Architekten BDA, Stuttgart/München
Executing Company: Strähle Trennwandsysteme, Waiblingen
Other participants: Brigitte Waldach (Artist)
Glass Types:
  • TG-ESG®
  • TG-PRINTdigital
Glass Amount: 1,607 m²
Glass Panes: 694 panes
Dimensions: up to 2,680 x 1,785 or 2,850 x 1,486 mm
Image Rights: © Hansgeorg Schöner

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