Walk-on glass
create tension
Transparent space design concepts are gaining increasing significance in modern architecture. Opaque structural components such as floors, stairs and ceilings are being completely or partially replaced with transparent glass surfaces that can be walked on.
Walk-on glass (TG-STEP) is made of laminated safety glass with at least three individual layers of float or extra-white glass, bound together using several highly tearproof PVB films. In addition, the glass can be decorated with various colours, effects or prints. The use of walk-on glass requires planning permission on a case-by-case basis.
Coating using screen printing or satin finishing, such as TG-LuxRaff® Stone (R10), TG-MADRAS® Pixel Flooring (R11) or full-surface anti-slip screen printing (R13) give the walk-on glass DIN-compliant slip resistance.
TG-STEP was the first walk-on glass which passed the General Technical Approval (AbP) of the Technical University of Dresden. Statical calculation are available on request.