Dow Corning Deutschland GmbH invited by Thiele Glas
Thiele Glas always places great emphasis on staff training. On 9th April 2014 an advanced training on the topic of ‘Structural Sealant Glazing’ has taken place at Thiele Glas premises Wermsdorf. Sigurd Sitte, application engineer of Dow Corning Germany GmbH, trained around 20 members of the Thiele Glas group this day.
As the world‘s largest manufacturer of silicone sealants Dow Corning has decades of experience in the field of structural bonding of glass and various substructures. In a very practical manner the issue ‘Technology of Structural Glazing’ was communicated. After a short introduction S. Sitte started by focusing on the various opportunities for application and execution of all-glass facades. Besides the assembly with adapter frames, a construction of insulated glass with silicone edge sealant is also possible. In that case u-profiles are inserted in the edge seal system of the IGU. Requirements on the individual systems, consent and approval procedures as well as legal requirements on the execution of such orders have been identified intensively.
For the realization of structural glazing projects big importance is placed on correct and appropriate planning in advance. In this regard it is essential to clarify all relevant issues with the customer previously. This also includes the handling of all required preliminary examination as for example adhesion and compatibility test which are directly made in the Dow Corning laboratories.
All requirements on such glazing systems are strictly regulated in the European registration guideline (ETAG002) according to the current state-of-technology. Compulsory test and proper documentation are necessary and therefore main parts of the guideline. It is imperative to comply with them in order to avoid later damages on the glazing or rather the system.
Following up on the presentation the proper usage of sealing, mixing and dosing equipment was demonstrated in the new production hall of Thiele Glas. Furthermore all relevant tests, documentation and sampling required by the quality manual ‘Dow Corning Structural Glazing’ were shown in the course of the practical part.
For several years Thiele Glas co-operates with Dow Corning Deutschland GmbH and the HVF silicone specialists GmbH & Co. KG in the field of structural glazing. Together we have already realized various national and international projects by using different frame systems (Schüco, Wicona, Raico etc.) for each object. At present we are working on a new façade glazing for an additional exhibition building of the Corning Museum Glass in New York.
‘Thiele Glas emphasizes consequently on training of their employees in order to guarantee their customers good service from the planning through to the implementation of Thiele Glas products’ remarked Jan Evers who is in charge for sales marketing at Thiele Glas.